ATCOMATCOMATCOMATCOM®®®®AnalogAnalogAnalogAnalog CardCardCardCard AX-AX-AX-AX- 1600P1600P1600P1600PProductProductProductProduct GuideGuideGuideGuideVe
www.atcom.cn10Channel 10: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Echo Canceler: mg2) (Slaves: 10)Channel 11: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Echo Canceler: mg2) (Slaves: 1
www.atcom.cn116 from-zaptel en default In Service7 from-zaptel en default In Service8 from-zaptel en default In Service9 from-zaptel en default In Ser
www.atcom.cn12C hapter 5 Reference
www.atcom.cn1The Installation of AX-1600Pwith Trixbox ATCOM...
www.atcom.cn2C ontact ATCOMT he Introduction of ATCOMFounded in 1998, ATCOM technology has been always endeavoring in the R&D and manufacturing of
www.atcom.cn3C hapter 1 the Introduction of AX-1600POverview of the AX-1600PAX1600P Asterisk card is the telephony PCI card that support s up to sixte
www.atcom.cn4C hapter 2 Hardware IntroductionHardware ConfigurationMotherboard: AX-1600PDual ports FXS module: AX-210SDual ports FXO module: AX-210XO
www.atcom.cn5Figure 3 : AX-210XSFigure 4 : SP400
www.atcom.cn6C hapter 3 Software InstallationTest Environment:Trixbox
www.atcom.cn7[trixbox1.localdomain src]# tar -xzvf dahdi-linux-2.2.0.tar.gzPlease download the wctdm.c.v1.6 file and replace the file wctdm.c as follo
www.atcom.cn8C hapter 4 Software Configuration1. P lease use the “ dahdi_genconf " command to configure the /etc/dahdi/system.conf and generate/e
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