ATCOM MP01 Instrukcja Użytkownika

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MP01 Quick Start Guide
Version: V1.0
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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Strona 1 - MP01 Quick Start Guide

MP01 Quick Start Guide Version: V1.0 2010-12-23

Strona 2 - Table of Contents

1 Table of Contents MP01 QUICK START GUIDE ... 2 1. U

Strona 3

2 MP01 Quick Start Guide Instructions: The MP01 is a WiFi ATA running in mesh protocol. You can use MP01s to set up a simple telephony network quick

Strona 4

3 2/ Every MP01 can be a reply for other MP01. It means even MP01 B can’t reach MP01 C directly, it can be still possible to reach MP01 C via MP01 A

Strona 5

4 Connect a normal phone to the TEL port of MP01s and you will be able to make calls between them. For example, if you are using mesh node A to call

Strona 6

5 Static – choose this option to assign the static IP address for the device management. IPv4-Address: IP address for the device. IPv4-Netmask:

Strona 7

6 3. Change administrator password On OpenWrt web page, under System->Admin Password, you will enter the related page for you

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